Hyvää naistenpäivän iltaa kaikille naisille!
Ja miehille tietysti myös. Toivottavasti teille naistenpäivä on joka päivä.
Halusin linkittää jonkun naisten biisin tänään päivän kunniaksi Facebookissa. Mahdollisia ehdokkaita googletellessani huomasin, että hakutuloksiin tuli järjetön määrä listoja kuten strong songs for strong women, comfort songs for women, empowering songs for women tai you are beautiful, you really are -songs for women. Kokeilepa googlettaa "songs for men" ja tulokseksi ei varmasti tule mitään näin selviät kun se douchebag jätti sut -songs for menejä. Valitsin sitten Facebook-biisikseni vanhan suosikkini John Lennonin (John I love you) ja Yoko Onon Woman Is the Nigger of the Worldin, joka on paitsi mahtava biisi, myös sanomaltaan erityisen paikkansapitävä, etenkin siihen aikaan vuonna 1969, kun Yoko on lanseerannut ko. sanonnan. Toivottavasti tykkäsitte biisistä!
Naistenpäivän kunniaksi ja vastaiskuna kaikenmaailman petettyjen ja jätettyjen itkuvirsille bloggaankin vähän toisenlaista naisenergiaa. Nimittäin Cherin! Mun on pitänyt blogata Cheristä jo pitkän aikaa, ja mihinpä päivään nämä Cher-quotet paremmin sopisivatkaan kuin tähän kyseiseen.
Tässä siis kaikille teille ja meille.
"A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones."
"Don't take your toys inside just because it's raining."
"I don't need a man. But I'm happier with one. I like to have someone I can touch and squeeze and kiss. But I don't fold up and die if I don't have a man around."
"Anyone who's a great kisser I'm always interested in."
"Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable."
"Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great."
"Yes, it's a man's world, but that's all right because they're making a total mess of it. We're chipping away at their control, taking the parts we want. Some women think it's a difficult task, but it's not."
"I'm still friends with all my exes, apart from my husbands."
"I've always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me."
"Don't take your toys inside just because it's raining."
"I don't need a man. But I'm happier with one. I like to have someone I can touch and squeeze and kiss. But I don't fold up and die if I don't have a man around."
"Anyone who's a great kisser I'm always interested in."
"Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable."
"Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great."
"Yes, it's a man's world, but that's all right because they're making a total mess of it. We're chipping away at their control, taking the parts we want. Some women think it's a difficult task, but it's not."
"I'm still friends with all my exes, apart from my husbands."
"I've always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me."
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