Tänään, tai siis nyt Suomen aikaa jo eilen Scout Niblett esiintyi Semifinalissa Helsingissä! Yksi niistä hetkistä, kun mua harmittaa olla täällä eikä siellä.
Scoutin This Fool Can Die Now on varmaan yks eniten kuuntelemistani nais-singer/songwritereiden levyistä. Sen folk-tunnelmat vaihtelee herkän romanttisen, seksikkään ja raivokkaan välimaastossa - ja mikä mahtavaa, Scoutissa on munaa koska se soittaa itse instrumenttinsa, ainakin osan niistä. Sen biisit tuntuu aina tätä levyä kuunnellessa olevan jotenkin irti niistä tyypillisistä singer/songwritertunnelmista...että Scout kyllä sanoo niin kuin asiat on (ehkä sekin johtuu siitä, että musta on hienoa kun se soittaa biiseillään kitaraa ja rumpuja). Mutta jos pitäisin tätä totuutena, vähättelisin tietysti monia muita lemppariartistejani. Ja koska oikeasti This Fool Can Die Now ei ole läheskään täydellinen albumi ja sillä on huonojakin kappaleita. Suosittelen silti kuuntelemaan. Se toimii epätäydellisyydestään huolimatta tiettyyn mielentilaan täydellisesti.
Tässä mun lempikappale Kiss siltä levyltä, featuring BONNIE "PRINCE" BILLY.
A kiss could've killed me
If it were not for the rain
A kiss could've killed me
Baby if it were not for the rain
And I had a feeling it was coming on
And I felt it coming
For so long
If I'm to be the fool
Then so it be
This fool can die now
With a heart that's soaked
How had it coming
For so long
And darling take my hand
And lead me through the door
Let's kidnap each other
And start singing our song
My heart is charged now
Oh, it's dancing in my chest
And I fly when I walk now
From the spell in that kiss
Cause I ...
It could've
It could've killed me
It could've killed me
If it were not for the rain
Oh darling let me dream
Cause somewhere inside me
I have been waiting
So patiently
For you
So don't you break
Don't break my dream
Don't break my dream
Let the rain exalt us
As the night draws in
Winds howl around us
As we begin
What a way to start a fire
Broken with the break of day
A kiss could have killed me
If it were not for rain
And I have a feeling it's coming on
And I felt it coming on
for so long
And oh it could've
It could've killed me
It could've killed me
If it were not for the rain
A kiss could've killed me
Baby if it were not for the rain
And I had a feeling it was coming on
And I felt it coming
For so long
If I'm to be the fool
Then so it be
This fool can die now
With a heart that's soaked
How had it coming
For so long
And darling take my hand
And lead me through the door
Let's kidnap each other
And start singing our song
My heart is charged now
Oh, it's dancing in my chest
And I fly when I walk now
From the spell in that kiss
Cause I ...
It could've
It could've killed me
It could've killed me
If it were not for the rain
Oh darling let me dream
Cause somewhere inside me
I have been waiting
So patiently
For you
So don't you break
Don't break my dream
Don't break my dream
Let the rain exalt us
As the night draws in
Winds howl around us
As we begin
What a way to start a fire
Broken with the break of day
A kiss could have killed me
If it were not for rain
And I have a feeling it's coming on
And I felt it coming on
for so long
And oh it could've
It could've killed me
It could've killed me
If it were not for the rain
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